The equ App

January 5, 2021

We wanted to take this opportunity to let you know exactly what the equ App is all about, what you can do, how your coach supports you and how you can succeed with your pocket nutrition coach.

Your Daily Targets 

When you join we apply our own science based formula to derive the overall calorie, protein, carb and fat targets that your body needs in order to achieve your set goal. We use a comprehensive questionnaire response we have you fill out when you join in order to acquire this information which takes into account a number of factors like age, weight, height, gender etc as well as those specific and exclusive to you like your daily movement and activity level and whether there are any medical considerations. With this information you are then educated on your body’s needs which is why a lot of our clients learn about how to lose, gain and manage their weight which is imperative for long term sustainability.

Your Food Diary

The equ App has a user friendly food diary providing you with the very flexible and skillful ability to be able to self select your own food choices and meet the daily targets we set. The equ App will track your progress to your goals for the day providing you an understanding of where your diet falls short to meet the goals that will get you the progress you desire. What differs us from other calorie counting tools is the verified database ensuring that you’re not missing the mark in meeting your targets due to false user generated entries. You’ll see a little equ donut icon next to the entries we’ve verified. Self tracking is a flexible way to meet the targets that are generated on a scientific basis together with the foods you love in balanced and sustainable practice.

Your Meal Plan 

The equ App has a meal plan tab where we use your food preferences to meet the science based targets that we set. At equ we are renowned meal plans for delicious meal plans in our 80% wholefood and 20% soul food practice. Whether you’re on the go and need time-friendly meals that are low prep or if you’re a busy Mum that needs to cook for a family, you ask and we answer – we tailor your meal plan to you! This is on a weekly basis, so at your check in you can even specifically ask us for a meal or food you’d love to see in your next plan.. Cool huh? It’s why we’re dubbed as the diet that doesn’t feel like a diet. Curious to see what we put together for our clients? Check out the @equ.meals page on Instagram to see the delicious meals we put on our clients meal plans. Guess what, if you’re dining out and want to go the extra mile in ensuring your social day is accurately tracked, you can purchase a social amendment which is where we personalise a meal plan and construct it to fit your social outing and goals, we really do use the meal plan experience to take away the guesswork in meeting your targets. You can also purchase as many additional meal plans weekly that you may wish for extra variety and meal ideas that you can always keep for life!

Your Coach

We support you! Think that we’d let you go out on a limb on your lonesome on your journey? Absolutely not, we hold your hand and cheer for you on the sidelines while you kick your goals. Whether it’s a nutrition query, you’re feeling flat or you don’t know what your next move is in regards to your goal and your nutrition strategy – we’re here! Don’t underestimate the value of support and accountability. It can literally be the difference between adhering and derailing or feeling motivated or feeling like you want to give up. It’s important to us that we are a source of accountability but are also there to answer your questions and ensure you’re equipped with the tools for life to go on your own after your equ journey, keeping the results you’ve achieved and knowing how to achieve more.

Your Weekly Check In 

Each week when you check in with us we assess your progress for the week and restrategise your calorie and macronutrient targets taking into account a number of factors that are exclusive to you in order to assess your body’s response to your adherence. It’s here where we review your food diary and compliance to your plan and the accountability factor is fully enforced as it’s important for us to understand whether your plan is working for you and what we may change or amend to ensure you’re adhering better. After all, it’s not perfection that will get you the results you’re aiming for but consistency, the more realistic and sustainable your plan is the better you’ll be at keeping it up and continuing to see results. Our expertise and ability to individually tailor your experience ensures this is achievable.

The water tracker and grocery list – our TWO NEW features

As you know we are avid supporters of planning in order to achieve body transformation success. We also know how fundamental convenience is when it comes to meal planning. So without further ado, we are pleased to introduce you to the grocery list, brought to you through popular demand by our equers. You can add grocery items from your meal plan and multiply by the quantity required to your grocery list. As you shop you can tick off your groceries for convenience too! And then there’s the water tracker.

Drinking enough water – and staying hydrated, is a fundamental rule of good health and nutrition. Our bodies can last weeks without food and yet just a few days without water.

Makes sense when you consider that our bodies are made up of about 60% water.

Being dehydrated can begin to affect us both physically and mentally. Top benefits of water include:

  1. Better digestion
  2. Reduce headaches
  3. Help with satiety
  4. Helps maximise physical performance
  5. Betters energy levels
  6. Can prevent fluid retention

We recommend 1L of water per 20kgs of body weight. In the new equ App we calculate your own individual target for you and set this in your dashboard allowing you to track to reach this goal.

So aside from the already great benefits of the equ service and experience, the equ App has become a premium tool taking you from one success to the next on your body transformation journey and is now a whole lot better with the new version.

If you’re sick and tired of the same old vicious cycle, not seeing results, want to eat what you want sustainably, AND don’t know where to start in eating according to your goal intake requirements… Take the first step in seeking professional assistance and we can show you the ways of dieting to your body’s needs in an approach that best suits you and your lifestyle.

We’re ready and raring to transform your body, mind and life.