Meet The Champs Who Smashed Our Last 8WC

April 14, 2020


Just last week we revealed that we’re hosting our BIGGEST CHALLENGE EVER commencing on the 4th of May! If you haven’t been party to our exciting offer let us introduce you to our very relative ‘It Together 8 Week Challenge’, we’re offering 20% OFF our rates BOTH upfront AND weekly payment options and a mega $5000 1st prize. Talk about a motivation SENSATION! It’s time to kick your isolation blues to the curb, realign your focus and get back on track with your goals.

Not only do you get access to 8 weeks of customised nutrition and coaching with equ, but we’ve also teamed up with Apero Training Series to include a weekly online fitness program, so you can give your health and body the 110% it deserves!

To celebrate the launch of this incredibly exciting package, we thought we’d look back on the WINNERS from our last 8 Week Challenge to see what inspired them. Take notes, because one of them MIGHT JUST share a little secret that could help YOU smash our In It Together Challenge, walk away with a brand new you and possibly even claim that lucrative $5000 1st prize.

The inspiring champion of our last challenge Mikaela Tomasella lost a total of 8.9kg and an amazing 32.1cm all round, but see didn’t see this kind of result until she joined our equ Tribe.

‘I’ve been a bit of a yo-yo dieter in the past – sticking to a 100% whole food diet for a very short period of time before falling off and watching my eating spiral out of control to a pretty much 100% soul food diet! It was such an awful cycle that had me constantly feeling like a failure,’ said Mikaela.

Can you relate? We’ve been there before, which is why we know that cutting out food groups and denying yourself soul food is not the best way to go about shedding those kilos.

‘I’d been super interested in equ for a while before I joined, I loved the idea of the 80/20 lifestyle and followed the Instagram pages for ages,’

‘I saw the 8 Week Challenge was starting soon, and I was at a low point with my health and self-esteem and finally signed up! After starting the program, the equ team and community kept me feeling so motivated to stick to my incredibly delicious meal plans!’ said Mikaela.

Mohamed, who came in at 5th place had some invaluable advice on what motivated him to join the challenge.

‘I have a massive competitive nature, I set myself a goal and used the challenge to kick start my journey. One of the other main attractions with Equlalution is the meal plan we get weekly and also the constant support we get from the Equlaution team, and who can forget the very generous prizes on offer!’

If you’re someone who loves to set goals or even if you need a little help doing that, our upcoming In It Together Challenge might just be the motivation you need, just like with Mohamed.

In terms of continuing to stick to the program during isolation, Erin Radel who came in at 4th place has some hot advice for those struggling a bit.

‘ROUTINE, ROUTINE, ROUTINE (where possible). When it comes to mealtimes, I am trying to keep them consistent to the times I would usually eat my lunch when working normally,’

‘Implementing low calorie, high volume meals (Crunchy Noodle Chicken Salad is on full repeat currently) to reduce the want for snacking, and using this time to become more creative with my meals.’ said Erin

We couldn’t agree more! You may have noticed on our equ team pages that we’re also starting to get a little more creative with our food while we have the time in isolation to test out new menu items and all we can say is – Masterchef 2020 watch out! Self-tracking the ingredients you use in your own recipes is a quick and easy way to ensure you’re staying on track while expanding your culinary skills. A little tip from us at equ: simple switches like low-fat milk instead of full cream or coconut sugar instead of caster will help bring the caloric value of recipes down as well, so you get more bang for your calorie buck.

Thinking of joining with someone? Two sisters Shaye and Jamie Beattie SMASHED the last 8 Week Challenge and tied at 3rd place, the inspiring duo have some little secrets to share.

‘My biggest tip is to ask as many questions about self-tracking as possible! Once you are confident in this, life becomes easy as you’ll have the tools to be able to track in any type of food into your day without the guilt.’ said Shaye.

‘Stalk the @equMeals Insta and find meal inspo. That keeps things fresh. Utilise the Facebook group, utilise the Insta community, it makes everything so much easier – ask the team for a macro-friendly version of your favourite meal. Remember this is your meal plan and you’re the one who has to eat it! Customise it.’ said Jamie.

At equ we’re constantly getting questions about self-tracking and how to make favourite dishes macro-friendly. Never be shy to ask our in-house dietitians and nutritionists for help, we’re always here for you! This is YOUR journey and you get out what you put in. We want to ensure you have the tools to make better and smarter calorie, macro and micronutrient choices, and no question is too big or small.

So cooking at home is manageable, but what about when the craving for your favourite takeaway meal hits?

‘If you are going have something that’s not on the meal plan like takeaway or a pub meal, track it [into the equ app] in the morning so you can make adjustments to your day so you don’t go over your daily targets.’ said Ben Donnelly, who smashed our last 8 Week Challenge, taking home 2nd place.

We hope you’ve been paying attention, because some of this advice might just be what helps you land that MASSIVE 1st PRIZE and take on the rest of 2020 with a brand new YOU. As well as the incredibly inspiring people above, our last 8 Week Challenge saw so many more equers absolutely shine, changing the way they see dieting and helping them become stronger, healthier and more confident than ever before.

So what are you waiting for? Take advantage of our 20% off presale price and LET’S MEET THE NEW YOU!