Turn Frustration Into Motivation In Self-Isolation!

April 3, 2020
During this unpredictable time, it can be so easy to throw in the towel and put your life on hold. We’re here to help you stay on track though, and one of the best ways to do that is to keep motivated and focused on what’s important to you. Wondering how on earth you can stay motivated while sitting inside your house for days on end? We’re here to share some tips with you that we use to keep ourselves up and at it, and we think might just give you a little boost too.

Set yourself small goals to achieve your big goal

If you’re trying to lose weight, this is one of the many ways where our equ app and weekly check-ins come in handy. If your goal is to drop 3 dress sizes for example that might seem so far out of sight for you now. But rather than expecting the celebration to begin when you’ve dropped three dress sizes, instead set realistic time frames for each dress size decrease and celebrate incrementally rather than all in one go. Set yourself up for success by creating little weekly goals, whether it’s to lose 0.5kg, a couple of centimetres or even just a 100% adherence to your plan, and before you know it you’ll be at your goal in no time.

This also works for pretty much anything else you might be trying to achieve while in social-isolation. If you have a big project due at the end of the week, set yourself an amount of work to do each day that will help you get to the end stress-free, and without working until midnight every night. It might help to physically write your goals down on a piece of paper and keep it next to you, and cross out each day as you achieve your little goal.

Stick to your regular routine

This one is important to keep you both motivated and look after your mental health! Sticking to your regular routine as much as possible will keep you busy and feeling full of purpose, and as a bonus, most people will get to save that bit of time each day they would’ve spent travelling to and from work. Try to wake up and go to bed at the same time as you usually would, eat your meals and wind down in the evening at the same time.

Even the little things can make a difference here. Getting up and getting dressed and ready to go in the morning will make you feel more motivated and focused than if you stay in your pyjamas until lunchtime. If there are any routine beauty treatments you enjoy doing, whether it’s painting your nails or fake tanning, why not keep doing that as well? If it makes you feel good, it’s worth keeping in your routine!

Try something new

Sure, everyone is allowed to take a day every now and then to watch Netflix from dawn to dusk and just be a total slob. But now that we’re staying inside 24/7, that one day can very easily turn into seven. Keep yourself motivated during isolation by trying something new, or even picking up an old hobby you used to love but didn’t have time. Whether it’s upskilling and taking an online course, learning a new language through an app like DuoLingo, learning to play an instrument (if you have access to one) or learning to cook a new cuisine, feeding your mind is going to help you feel more motivated to accomplish things in your day.

Buddy up to work towards a shared goal

Buddying up works especially well if you and your bestie/sister/partner have a shared goal to lose weight, get fit and/or be healthier. You can help motivate each other to stick to your plan, you’ll always have an understanding ear if you ever need to talk about any problems you’re facing during your journey and you can celebrate even the smallest of wins together. Best of all, once social-distancing laws are removed, you can both take on the world looking and feeling better, stronger and healthier than ever before.

Keep exercising

Now that we’re all responsibly practising social-distancing, an unfortunate side-effect of that is we’re moving much less and it’s harder to exercise. It’s so important to keep up your exercise routine during isolation though, for many reasons other than weight loss. Even just going for a walk around the block each day will help get your blood flowing, boost your energy levels and make you feel happier. Not to mention it’ll help you get your daily dose of Vitamin D in!

If you’re working from home, getting up a little earlier and working out before you start or during your lunch break can help you boost your productivity for the day. This, combined with the endorphin rush can help you feel more motivated to get your work done, smash any chores you might need to do and keep you on track with your healthy eating and weight loss goals.

If you’re feeling a little stuck on how to work out from home during isolation and a walk around the block doesn’t cut it for you, there are loads of online programs and workouts you can try. Lots of fitness gurus like our own @caillin.equteam are also uploading workouts you can do from home!

Stay tuned for the equ secret reveal on Monday – ONLY 3 DAYS TO GO!

While we can’t give too much away YET, we’ve been holding onto a huge secret about our biggest giveaway yet – all will be revealed Monday. It’s bigger than what we’ve offered before, and we can guarantee it’ll help keep you motivated during self-isolation. That’s all we’ll be saying for now because we’re keeping tight-lipped until the big reveal, but make sure you keep an eye on your emails and our socials come Monday the 6th of April!