The Art of Mindful Eating

The Art of Mindful Eating

Weight management is often associated with diets, calorie counting, and exercise regimens. While these factors certainly play a crucial role, there’s another aspect that’s equally important but often overlooked—mindful eating. It’s a practice that...
Healthy Picnic Ideas for Spring

Healthy Picnic Ideas for Spring

Whether you’re heading to the park, the beach, or your own backyard, picnics are a fantastic way to enjoy the great outdoors now the warmer weather has arrived. But there’s no need to compromise on your weight loss goals when indulging in the pleasures of...
Get to know Nutrition coach, Marianne

Get to know Nutrition coach, Marianne

A few years ago, when Marianne Slaby was considering potential career paths as she neared the end of high school, she didn’t have a clear idea of the job she wanted to pursue. One thing she knew for sure, however, it had to involve food. From a young age, Marianne had...