Here’s Why Your Mood Might Drop During Winter…

July 14, 2022
mood in winter

With shorter, darker and colder days already upon us (thanks, early winter!), you might notice you’re feeling a little less cheery and motivated – and there’s actually a reason for that. 

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a condition that can be triggered by changes in weather and daylight, both of which occur during the cooler months. 

It’s said that it can occur because our bodies’ produce less melatonin and serotonin hormones (essentially your sleep and happy hormones!) during the winter months, which therefore affect mood and sleep quality.

What are some of the symptoms?

Some of the signs that may indicate you have SAD include:

  • Oversleeping
  • Reduced energy levels 
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Struggling to get out of bed
  • Losing interest in your regular/normal activities
  • Weight gain
  • Overeating and craving carbohydrates 

If you already have a mental health condition, you may notice your symptoms also change depending on the time of year.

why your mood drops during winter

How do you treat SAD?

First of all, if you are experiencing any of the above symptoms that aren’t going away, or even if you’re feeling worried, always speak to your health professional. No feeling is too small to discuss. 

Your doctor may recommend treatments like vitamin and mineral supplements, other medicines and/or counselling.

Eating a whole foods-rich, balanced diet is also helpful in combating SAD symptoms.

Our team of nutritionists and dietitians here at equ can also assist you in creating a meal plan suited to your individual needs for the winter months. We take the guesswork out of reaching your health goals and will ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need to feel your best during the cooler months and beyond. 

More about our service here.

why your mood drops during winter

Trying to get outside as much as you can, even during the colder days, can help you boost your endorphins, and therefore your overall mood.  

And remember, for any health concerns always contact your health professional.