Do you ever feel like, once you start eating dessert, you simply can’t stop? As though nothing can truly satisfy you? Often, especially when you’re reaching for sugary or sweet desserts, it can be difficult to find options which leave you feeling satisfied and satiated. This means it’s easier to overeat or binge on dessert foods. However, if you focus on making your desserts more satisfying and filling, you’re far less likely to have the same problems. By making a few small tweaks, here’s how to make dessert more satisfying.

1. Increase the protein content.
Can you add a source of protein into your dessert? Protein can help you feel fuller for longer, stabilise your blood sugar levels, and prevent further cravings, meaning it’s the perfect addition to any dessert if you’re looking to make it more satisfying.
Opting for protein-rich dessert options, like GYM BOD’s Cookies & Cream ice cream which packs a massive 21 g of protein into every tub, can help you feel more satisfied each time you enjoy dessert. Instead of reaching for a regular ice cream, hgh in sugar and calories and relatively low in protein, opt for this low-sugar, low-calorie alternative, and notice the difference the protein content makes to how satiated you feel following your dessert.

2. Add a source of fibre.
Fibre is another great nutrient to assist you in feeling more satisfied after you eat dessert. Fibre takes longer for your digestive system to break down than other nutrients, meaning you feel much more satiated for a longer period of time after eating it. Try adding some oats, chia seeds or fruit to your ice cream, or topping it off with a delicious high-fibre bar. This can help reduce sugar cravings, prevent spikes in blood sugar, and ensure you don’t go overboard on your dessert portions. Plus, it’s excellent for your gut microbiome and digestion too – bonus!

3. Bulk it up.
If you find you need something a little more substantial for dessert to help you feel satisfied, try bulking up your dessert bowl with some nutrient-dense ingredients like fruit – or even veggies if you can sneak them in! Add a bunch of fruit on top of a bowl of ice cream, or sneak some sweet potato or grated zucchini into your baked dessert options. Whatever works for you, adding in some nutrient-dense fruit or veg can help boost the fibre and micronutrient content of your dessert, making it extra nourishing and more satisfying in the process.

4. Don’t sacrifice flavour.
Even if you’re trying to stick to your nutrition goals and reduce your sugar or calorie intake after dinner, you don’t need to skimp on flavour in order to do so! In fact, eating a dessert you don’t really want or enjoy won’t satisfy those cravings – you’ll likely just keep thinking about the dessert option you actually wanted to eat until you eventually give into the temptation.
Instead of trying to force yourself to eat a plate of bland nuts and seeds for dessert, or something you don’t really like, simply be smart with your choices. Go for flavour-filled things you love, and opt for healthier versions of them where possible, or add in additional nutrient-dense ingredients to make them more nourishing and satisfying. For example, instead of grabbing a regular bowl of ice cream, reach for GYM BOD’s high-protein, low-calorie and-sugar ice cream products. Then, why not add some fruit or a source of fibre on top for additional nutrients and satisfaction? It’s a delicious and nutritious alternative to a basic bowl of vanilla bean.
Dessert can be satisfying and enjoyable. By making these small, simple tweaks, and choosing more nourishing, satiating options like GYM BOD’s Cookies & Cream ice cream or high-protein, high-fibre options, you can reduce your risk of bingeing or overeating, stabilise your blood sugar levels, prevent cravings and give your body some extra nourishment all at the same time.