How To Set Goals That Set You Up For Success

June 1, 2023

Let’s talk setting goals. During this time of year it can be hard to motivate yourself to get up off the couch and commit to your health and weight loss goals, but we’re here to help you every step of the way! One of the BIGGEST pieces of advice we can give is to set goals.

Everyone here at equ HQ loves to set goals for themselves, whether it’s in our daily work tasks, for our fitness and health or even in our equ app.

Setting goals as an individual and as a community plays an important part in everyone’s journey, helping to encourage ourselves and also celebrate all the wins, big and small! For example, if your goal is to drop three dress sizes, that might seem SO FAR out of sight for you right now. But the celebrations shouldn’t begin once you’ve dropped the three dress sizes. Instead, set up realistic goal dates you’re aiming to have one dress size decrease by and celebrate each of these, because even one whole dress size is a BIG DEAL!

Your goals don’t have to be as large as losing three dress sizes either. Setting yourself little weekly goals, like losing 0.5kg, a couple of centimetres or even just a 100% adherence to your equ meal plan are all amazing achievements worth celebrating. Hitting your daily water intake each day is another fab goal to work towards, as we all know the BIG PART staying hydrated plays in your weight loss journey! (Not to mention the countless other benefits it has for your health and body).

Did you know that by writing your goals down you’re 42% more likely to achieve them? That’s right, simply by putting pen to paper you can help yourself become more motivated and adherent, plus then you get the satisfaction of ticking or crossing them off once they’re achieved! At the end of each day or week, you’ll have something physical to look back on and congratulate yourself on achieving so many little goals. You’ll also be able to reflect on why you might not have achieved something, and strategise on how you can achieve that goal next week.

While the end reward is meeting a healthier, stronger, NEW YOU, it can also help to give yourself little rewards along the way for some extra motivation. Hit all your workout goals for the fortnight? Treat yourself to some new activewear! Dropped a dress size? Invest in that stunning party dress you’ve been eyeing up for a while. Life is about the journey, not the destination, so why not enjoy your transformation journey and make the most of every day!

As you get to the half way mark of the year, let’s do it together and work on setting and smashing goals for the rest of 2023.